18 years ago, the first iPhone was officially launched.


Many iFans may have forgotten that 18 years ago - January 9, 2007, Apple announced the first iPhone.

From 4GB to 1024GB, the iPhone has come an incredible journey and it all started on January 9, 2007. Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone to the world 18 years ago.

The first iPhone is 18 years old.

The first iPhone is 18 years old.

Also on this day, Apple opened pre-orders for the first Apple TV after Steve Jobs unveiled the original product - iTV in September 2006.

According to MACWORLD SAN FRANCISCO, January 9, 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone - combining three products: a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet connection device with desktop-class email, web browsing, search, and maps - into one small and lightweight handheld device.

Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone to the world 18 years ago.

Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone to the world 18 years ago.

The iPhone also introduced a completely new user interface based on a large multi-touch screen and pioneering software that allowed users to control the iPhone with just their fingers. The iPhone also ushered in an era of unprecedented software power and sophistication on a mobile device, completely redefining the way people used mobile phones.

According to Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple:

"iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product, literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone. We are all born with the ultimate pointing tool—our fingers—and iPhone uses them to create the most revolutionary user interface since the mouse."

Now, 18 years later, billions of iPhones have been sold to consumers around the world and are considered indispensable to millions of people. Thanks to this flagship product line, Apple has become a company with a market capitalization of 3,000 billion USD and is one of the most prestigious brands in the world.

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